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A1(M)/Darrington - Birtley

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Darrington – Birtley
From:  Darrington (SE488207)
To:  Birtley, near Washington (NZ281567)
Meets:  M1, M62, A168(M), A194(M), A195(M), A66(M), A1, A59, A61, A63, A64, A66, A162, A167, A168, A659, A688, A689, A690, A693, A6055, A6108, A6136, B1224
Former Number(s):  A194(M)
Old route now:  A194(M)
Primary Destinations
Highway Authorities

National Highways


County Durham • Yorkshire

Route outline (key)
Arrownorth.jpg North Birtley - Morpeth
A1(M) Darrington - Birtley
South Arrowsouth.jpg Adwick le Street - Darrington
Junction List
Junc Northbound Southbound
40 Start of Motorway A1
41 M62 M62
Services symbol.gif Ferrybridge services (at J41)
42 A63 A63
43 No Exit M1
44 A64 A64
45 A659 A659
46 B1224 B1224
Services symbol.gif Wetherby services (at J46)
47 A59 A59
48 A168 A6055, A168
Bridge Arrows Bridge
49 A168(M) A168
50 A61, A6055 A61
51 A684, A6055 A684, A6055
52 A6055 A6055
53 A66, A6108 A66, A6108
Services symbol.gif Scotch Corner services (at J53)
56 B6275 B6275
57 A66(M) No Exit
Bridge Tees Bridge
58 A68 A68
59 A167 A167
60 A689 A689
61 A688, A177 A688
Services symbol.gif Durham services (at J61)
62 A690 A690
63 A167, A183, A693 A167, A183, A693
64 A195(M), A195 A195(M), A195
Services symbol.gif Washington services
65 A194(M) Start of Motorway
- A182 A182
- A195 A195
- A184, A194 A184, A194


This is by far the longest continuous section of the A1(M), stretching 94 miles from junction 40 near the village of Darrington in West Yorkshire to junction 65, near Birtley in Tyneside. It has developed in a piecemeal fashion over the years, developing from several short motorway bypasses of the A1 which have got joined together over time. The most recent stretch of this road to open was between junctions 52 and 56, which opened in February 2018 and resulted in the Tyne and Wear area finally getting a motorway connection to the rest of England.


Darrington to Hook Moor: J40 to J43

To the north of Darrington, the A1 gains motorway status at a forked junction with the A162. This road is the old A1, which serves as the local access road. It also provides access to the Ferrybridge Junction and therefore the M62 eastbound and the Ferrybridge services. The A1(M) however sweeps to the left, crosses over the M62 and runs alongside it. The westbound M62 can be accessed at the sprawling Holmfield Interchange, Junction 41. Northbound traffic is not able to head eastbound as that movement is covered at Ferrybridge. Southbound travellers may access the M62 in both directions.

Now the road is running alongside Ferrybridge Power Station. The original A1 passed by the power station on the opposite side, and was a notable landmark until the cooling towers were demolished in 2022. The motorway sweeps to the right, crossing over the River Aire and shortly after, the A1246. The A1246 is the old road that passes through Fairburn. During the construction of the motorway in 2005, a temporary terminus was provided here as the section bypassing Fairburn opened ahead of the Ferrybridge section. All traces of this link have been removed by subsequent earthworks.

Sweeping back round to the left, the motorway soon reaches the Selby Fork Interchange, junction 42. Not to be confused with the original Selby Fork, this is a dumbbell roundabout interchange that connects with the A63 between Leeds and Selby.

The motorway now makes a curve to the left, and then to the right. It was at this point, just south of Micklefield, that another temporary terminus existed from 1999 to 2006. A junction into Micklefield village provided a route for non-motorway traffic, but the motorway restrictions started at a random point further north. After a mile, the two carriageways split as they approach junction 43 (the Hook Moor Interchange), where the M1 joins from the left.

Hook Moor to Wetherby: J43 to J45

The A1(M) is four lanes wide between Junction 43 and 44.

Since 1999, the Hook Moor Interchange has been the northern terminus of the M1. Although the M1 has priority here, the A1(M) retains its number all the way to Edinburgh. At the merge with the M1, our road joins from the left using a series of tiger tails - this safely allows the two three lane motorways to funnel into four lanes. Southbound, the A1(M) diverges from the M1 using the leftmost lane of four, which widens gradually into a total of six lanes before going their own way. Here, traffic heading for London is directed down the M1, and the A1(M) is simply signed for "The SOUTH".

Now the motorway is four lanes in each direction, but not for long. On the approach to Bramham Crossroads (Junction 44), the left lane is reserved for traffic turning off onto the A64. At the junction, the left lane drops, and we return to three lanes once again. Coming southbound, the A64 merges into the motorway in two places - firstly traffic from Leeds merges from the roundabout above, then a spur road from York joins, adding the fourth lane.

Beyond here, the motorway bypasses the village of Bramham. There used to be junctions providing access to the village, however these were closed off when the road was upgraded in 2009. The next junction is Junction 45, known as Grange Moor Roundabout. A simple roundabout interchange, it connects us to the A659 for Boston Spa. Just to the west, Wattle Syke Roundabout provides access to Bramham and Wetherby along the old A1 (now A168).

Wetherby to Dishforth: J45 to J49

The A1(M) at Wetherby. This section replaces the old Wetherby Bypass (now A168) which can be seen beyond the trees to the right.

For a short while, the A168 runs alongside the A1(M), until the motorway curves to the right. The A168 follows the old line of the Wetherby Bypass and around a roundabout with the A58 and A661. The two roads meet again, running side by side around the eastern edge of Wetherby - the A168 picks up some local traffic from several junctions, but the A1(M) continues uninterrupted until the Kirk Deighton Interchange (Junction 46). Traffic from the old road has a chance to join here, as does the B1224. At this junction can be found Wetherby services. This service area can be quite busy as it is the only full service area between Ferrybridge services and Scotch Corner.

The old and new roads part company for a while here - the motorway runs a little to the east of the original road, but meet again near the village of Walshford. For a few years there used to be a temporary motorway junction here, but now the A168 local access road passes over the top of the motorway and runs alongside the southbound side of the A1(M). A couple of miles later, and we reach Allerton Park Interchange (Junction 47). This is a standard roundabout interchange that serves the A59 between Harrogate and York. The A168 can also be accessed by using one half of the old, pre-motorway junction.

The two roads continue to run side by side uneventfully for another five miles until they reach Aldborough Gate Interchange (Junction 48). This roundabout junction serves the historic town of Boroughbridge and the A6055 that turns back towards Knaresborough. There is a sizeable supermarket in the town centre that has a well patronised petrol station. This is often used by travellers wishing to avoid the busier (and more expensive!) Wetherby Services - indeed a sign at the motorway junction directs the way to "Services". This isn't an official endorsement for the supermarket petrol station, it merely directs travellers away from the town centre and along the local access road instead.

Junction 49, known as the Dishforth Interchange. Traffic for Teesside turns off here onto the A168 and A19.

Back on the motorway, and we continue alongside the A168 to the west of Boroughbridge. A quick look to the right might provide a view of the Devil's Arrows, three tall neolithic stones by the side of the River Ure. We cross the river over the Arrows Bridge and back into open countryside. The motorway passes under the B6265 which signifies the end of the Boroughbridge bypass. A little further along we pass under Moor Lane. This used to be a full grade separated junction with the A1, but now half of it can be used to join the A168, and the other half is used as a (gated) works access.

Now the motorway passes alongside the runway for RAF Dishforth. At the far end of the airfield we reach Dishforth Interchange (Junction 49). This is an important fork junction where traffic for Teesside branches off onto the A168 and later on, the A19. Southbound traffic can still access this junction using a complicated set of roundabouts that connect the local access road, Dishforth, and the two main roads together.

Until 2012, the A1(M) finished here, and one lane of the motorway dropped off and became the A168 leaving two lanes to continue as the A1. Nowadays three lanes continue through the junction.

Dishforth to Barton: J49 to J56

Dishforth to Barton is very rural section of the motorway that was the most recent section to be upgraded. Dishforth to Leeming was completed in June 2012, and the A684 Leeming and Bedale bypass was completed in 2016. Between 2012 and 2016, prior to the completion of the A684 Leeming bypass, A684 traffic was routed along the A6055. By November 2016 the Leeming to Barton section was opened, and for the first time Newcastle was connected to the motorway network.

The line of the A1 from Dishforth to Barton is pretty much along the route of the pre war route, which followed the line of the Roman road, Dere Street, with the exception of a significant diversion to the west of Leeming and Leeming Bar, and further north a significant diversion to the west of Catterick. The old single carriageway was upgraded in sections in the late 1950s and early 1960s following the government announcement to upgrade the whole of the A1 to dual carriageway standard.

At Dishforth Interchange (Junction 49) the road continues to the north with three lanes in each direction. For the first time since Wetherby we do not have a local access road running alongside the motorway. The motorway here was built directly over the old dual carriageway, and this meant the loss of some local junctions and landmarks such as Rainton Services.

A "kink" in the A1 before the new motorway was built. The poor road geometry and the sheer weight of traffic was the reason for the upgrade to A1(M).

We reach Baldersby Interchange (Junction 50) after a couple of miles, connecting with the A61 to Ripon and the start of a long section of Local Access Road, the A6055. Until the 1980s, this was an at-grade roundabout junction, which was upgraded to a staggered diamond GSJ. During the upgrade to motorway, it was then converted to a dumbbell interchange - reusing the old bridge. The hard shoulders disappear under the bridge as it was only ever designed for two lanes (plus a bit of verge) to fit underneath each span.

The next 10 miles of motorway is uneventful. Some say it is a boring section of road, however it is preferable to the stresses of driving on the busy, claustrophobic, substandard old road! The A6055 gathers up traffic from minor junctions on the way such as the B6267 and B6285 (which was a useful short cut to Bedale for those in the know) and the motorway travels along undisturbed. The local access road uses the old northbound carriageway here, and so a lot of buildings (such as in the hamlet of Hopetown) still survive on the west side of the route, but all the buildings that were on the eastern side were demolished to make way for the new road.

At Londonderry (no, not that one!), the road curves to the left, following the line of the old Leeming Bypass. We pass over the old Bedale - Leeming Bar road, which was originally the A684 and to the left can be seen Leeming Bar Services. This can only be accessed from the old road, but was orignally sited at the old junction for Bedale. Due to its inaccessibility, the services are a shadow of their former self. Shortly after, the road reaches Leeming Interchange (Junction 51) for the A684. This used to be the end of the motorway until 2016, so one lane drops off to the junction. It was thought that three lanes would continue through the junction once the upgrade to the north was completed, but there is still a lane drop through the junction to this day. This would be understandable if there was a considerable amount of traffic turning off here, but there really isn't!

The A1(M) approaching Junction 51. The motorway loses a lane through the junction.

After the junction, the motorway curves back round and rejoins the historic line of the road, the A6055 still shadowing us. It swaps sides over a bridge south of Catterick, and the motorway briefly separates from it before meeting again at Catterick Central Interchange (Junction 52). This serves the A6136 that goes to Richmond, Catterick Garrison, and Catterick village itself. The A6055 continues to serve the old junctions to the north and the south of the village.

Passing over the River Swale, the motorway takes on a slightly more urban feel as it passes between Brompton on Swale and an industrial estate to the east. The motorway passes over the B6271, but there was never a junction here on the old dual carriageway. The A6055 meets it in the industrial estate, which was the path of the pre-1960s A1. North of the village, the A6055 passes over the top of the motorway and runs along the left hand side again.

It isn't long until the motorway reaches Scotch Corner (Junction 53). This is a well known junction where motorists heading for Scotland generally turn off onto the A66 leaving the A1(M) for Tyneside bound traffic. There is a small motorway services here, on the other side of the roundabout to the A66. One lane drops off to the junction, leaving two lanes to pass underneath.

On the other side of the junction, the third lane rejoins from the onslip, but not for long as that lane is marked up to leave at the next junction, Barton Interchange (Junction 56). Note that we have jumped two junction numbers here! This junction has been numbered Junction 56 since the Durham section of motorway opened, but the new section that we have just travelled along was numbered only recently, filling in the gaps as it went from Junction 38 near Doncaster. Evidently, there was plans to join other, more minor roads to the motorway, but over time, these plans were dropped - so no Junction 54 or 55!

At Junction 56, the motorway drops down to two lanes, and curves to the right. The original Dere Street Roman road continues in a straight line along the B6275, and our local access road, the A6055 terminates on the opposite side of the roundabout junction. Also on this side, the original pre-1960s A1 continues on through Barton towards Darlington, but this section is unclassified.

Barton to Birtley: J56 to J65

This section is a largely off-line motorway replacement for the A1, constructed and opened in stages throughout the 1960s. Consequently, it is of a lower standard compared to the more southern sections in Yorkshire, but a large improvement compared to the pre-1960s A1.

From junction 56, the motorway drops down to two lanes, remaining so for most of the route to Tyneside. After approximately two miles, the road reaches the Blackwell Spur Interchange (Junction 57). This is south facing fork junction for the A66(M) towards Darlington. We are now on the Darlington Bypass, and the road sweeps round to the west of the town, over a bridge for the River Tees and immediately over the A67 (with no junction).

The next junction is the Burtree Interchange (Junction 58). This is a roundabout interchange that gives access to the A68 to Darlington and Bishop Auckland. Shortly after is the Aycliffe Interchange (Junction 59), a roundabout interchange with the A167. This is the end of the Darlington Bypass, the A167 is the original route of the A1 here. Between 1965 and 1969 this junction was a temporary terminus, all traffic heading north needed to follow the now A167 through Durham.

This next section of motorway is also referred to as the Durham Motorway as it provides a bypass of the city of Durham and various other settlements in the county of Durham. After crossing the East Coast Mainline railway, the road runs straight as far as Bradbury Interchange (Junction 60), another roundabout interchange - this time for the A689. Approximately a mile after the junction, the motorway gains a lane (northbound only) to help traffic up a long hill. This isn't original to the motorway, as evidenced by the lack of hard shoulders at overbridges. The third lane merges back in after a mile or so, but provides some passing opportunities on what feels like a congested section of road.

The A1(M) through County Durham.

Bowburn Interchange (Junction 61) appears after a few more miles. As seems to be the theme, it is another roundabout interchange. This junction is for the A688, A177 and Durham services. This is the first "official" motorway services since Scotch Corner, although there are several smaller petrol stations just off most of the junctions on the route. A mile or so further north, the southbound carriageway has a turn to have three lanes, Junction 61 being at the top of a hill. Similarly to the earlier northbound section, the southbound section is only a mile long. Almost immediately after, the northbound carriageway gains a climbing lane for three quarters of a mile - compared to the Yorkshire section of the motorway, the Durham section is quite hilly.

The motorway now takes on a bit of an urban character as we pass close to the edge of the city of Durham. Carrville Interchange (Junction 62) is the main junction to access the city on the A690 - going in the opposite direction will take you to Houghton-le-Spring and Sunderland. The motorway passes close to the River Wear and is now a lot straighter and less hilly. After a few miles the motorway crosses the river and meets up with the A167, A693 and A183 at the Blind Lane Interchange (Junction 63). This is the end point of the Durham Motorway section, the next bit is known as the Chester-le-Street and Birtley Bypass.

The end of the motorway at J65. Note the right hand exit for the A194(M).

We are now entering the urban sprawl of Tyne and Wear, and the motorway becomes noticeably busier. After Junction 63 the motorway becomes three lanes in each direction. Not long after, we reach the Vigo Interchange (Junction 64). This trumpet interchange is the main access to the town of Washington, and is home to a "secret" motorway - the A195(M).

Very shortly after the junction is Washington services. Due to the proximity of the junction, southbound traffic wishing to head off onto the A195(M) must turn off at the services, and follow a slip road that runs between the services and the motorway. Users of the services can still access the A1(M) southbound as this long slip road has an access back onto the mainline before it diverges off to the junction.

The motorway remains at three lanes wide, but not for long. After the services the two carriageways split as it approaches Birtley Interchange (Junction 65). This is an odd fork junction with the A194(M) - going northbound the righthand lane becomes an offside slip road onto the A194(M). This is because this was the original mainline of the motorway before the Western Bypass was built, the A1(M) effectively TOTSOs here. Going southbound, the A1(M) flows uninterrupted, with the A194(M) entering from the left. Just beyond the fork, the A1231 enters on a loop, and the motorway restrictons end.


See Also: A1/Early Improvements

Note: In the section headings below, current junction numbers are used (even if different numbering schemes (or none) were in place at time of construction). A junction number of the format "J46½" refers to a temporary junction that no longer exists and which was never numbered, between what is now J46 and J47; the "½" format is used in this article for ease of reference and was never actually used.

1965: Darlington Bypass (J56–J59)

A 9.2 mile stretch of two lane motorway, including a new bridge over the River Tees. This improvement scheme also included the 1.8 mile long A66(M), a spur road serving Darlington.

1969: Durham Motorway (J59–J63)

The 22 mile Durham Motorway (A1(M)) consisting of four sections constructed respectively by Carmichael, Cementation, French and Carmichael, was officially opened by the Rt. Hon. Richard W. Marsh, PC, MP, Minister of Transport, on the 17th September 1969. It included two significant structures, Lumley Dene Bridge and a bridge over the River Wear. The motorway was built with two lanes in each direction.

The cost of the whole scheme excluding land and preparation costs was estimated at £18,330,000.

1970: Chester-le-Street and Birtley Bypass (J63–J65)

The southern section was off-line, while the section around Birtley was built over and replaced the single carriageway 1930s bypass.

1980s: Extension along the A194(M)

Main Article: A1/via Tyne Tunnel

When the A1 was rerouted from Central Newcastle to the Tyne Tunnel, the A194(M) became an extension of the A1(M). When the A1 was rerouted to the west of Newcastle in 1990, the original number reverted.

1992: Rakes Wood - Wetherby

As the Bramham Bypass had been upgraded to three lanes in 1992, motorway conversion in 2009 was far simpler.

Opening in November 1992, the Bramham Bypass upgraded the existing D2 route to a higher standard D3+HS removing many of the hazardous humps in the older alignment, in preparation for later conversion to motorway when sections to the north and south were completed.

1995: Walshford to Dishforth (J46½–J49)

13 miles of upgrade from dual carriageway to full D3M motorway standard. The motorway was built generally alongside the west side of the dual carriageway. At the southbound end, a temporary terminus was provided just north of Walshford. The overbridge at Moor Lane allowed access to the local access road (LAR). The sliproads on the southbound side have since been removed.

In 1995-6 after completion of the motorway, the old northbound carriageway was removed, regraded in places, and planted with grass and trees. A quirk of this section is that the village of Walshford now has a bypass of a bypass, having being already relieved by the 1960s vintage dual carriageway.

This section is now an extended A168.

1999: M1-A1 Link Road (J42½–J44)

Extension of the M1 to meet the A1 at Hook Moor, project involved almost 4 miles of improvement to the A1, upgrading the previous dual carriageway to full D4M motorway standard.

For detailed information about this section, see M1-A1 Link Road

2005: A1(M) Wetherby to Walshford (J46–J46½)

First part of a DBFO £245M upgrade to upgrade the A1 to a continuous motorway standard between Darrington and Dishforth. Scheme involved construction of 4 miles of new offline motorway to the east of the existing A1, linking to the previous Walsford - Dishforth scheme to the north and the Wetherby Bypass to the south. Like the section to the north, once the motorway opened, the northbound carriageway of the old A1 was removed. Curiously, the turnings for North Deighton/Cowthorpe and Kirk Deighton retain their grade separation, which is rare on the local access road (LAR) that runs along this part of the A1(M).

The scheme included a new road, an extension of the B1224, linking the old A1 route (now A168) and Wetherby Racecourse.

2006: A1(M) Ferrybridge to Hook Moor (J40–J42½)

Second part of a DBFO £245M upgrade to upgrade the A1 to full motorway standard between Darrington and Dishforth. Scheme involved construction of 8 miles of new offline motorway, 2 miles of online improvements to the A1, online improvements to the M62, a new hybrid directional T freeflow interchange between the M62 and A1(M) at Holmefield and significant downgrades to the previous route of the A1.

2009: A1(M) Bramham to Wetherby (J44–J46)

Bridgeworks on the A1 Upgrading Wetherby
Main Article: A1(M) Bramham to Wetherby

The A1(M) Bramham to Wetherby scheme was an on line upgrade of the A1 dual carriageway between junctions 44 and 46, costing £70 million. This section of the A1(M) carries 85,000 vehicles per day.

2009: A1(M) Junction Renumbering

In June 2009, the following changes were made to the junction numbers.

  • The A1(M)/M1 Hook Moor junction number changed from 44 to 43;
  • The A1(M)/A64 Bramham Crossroads junction number changed from 45 to 44;
  • The existing A1/A659 Grange Moor junction became A1(M) Junction 45;
  • The existing A1/B1224 Kirk Deighton junction remained A1(M) Junction 46.

2012: Dishforth to Leeming (J49–J51)

Main Article: A1(M) Dishforth to Barton

In April 2012, the A1(M) was constructed between Dishforth and Leeming, an online upgrade of the A1.

2017–2018: Leeming to Barton (J51–J56)

Main Article: A1(M) Dishforth to Barton

In September 2017, the A1(M) fully opened between Leeming and Catterick, and in February 2018, motorway status was applied to the stretch from Catterick to Barton. It is a mostly online upgrade from the previous D2 all-purpose dual carriageway to a D3M motorway, although for a short distance in the vicinity of Catterick, the new road was built offline.


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